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Shower Push Lock for Timed Showers - Gym/Camping/Swimming/Caravan
No tax
Public Shower Push Button Lock.
Ideal for the Gym, Swimming, Camping and Caravanning where the showers have a push button timer.
It works with the majority of push button shower valves with exposed pipes. Simply push on and twist clockwise to lock in position.
Eliminates the frustration of commercial automatic shower valves that turn off after a few seconds.
- Our own design and manufactured in the UK
- Made using a 3D printing process
(there will be minor imperfections from this process) - Suitable for valves up to 40mm in diameter
- Various colours supplied: If you want a specific colour please contact us.
Its not possible to design for every potential valve on the market so please contact us if you have any issues and we will try to help. Please also contact us if you need a larger version where the valve has a greater diameter than std 35-40mm.
Data sheet
- Part Type
- Shower Button Lock
- Material
Specific References
- mpn